
What is Conscious Connected Breathwork?

This style of breathwork is a transpersonal therapeutic practice that uses conscious connected breathing and mind-body techniques. It can help bring resolution to unresolved material held in the body and can provide support on physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels. It typically brings  greater awareness, insight, connection and wellbeing to peoples' lives. 

During sessions a practitioner guides the client through a dynamic breathing pattern and helps support the client to bring awareness to their body and material held within. Through this process a client enters a meditative and altered-state of consciousness enabling easier access to thoughts, feelings and sensations -  which can be amplified and released from the body. Although sessions are guided by a practitioner, the beauty of this form of breathwork is that sessions are primarily directed by the client and their own breath. 

There are many different styles of breathwork. At Freedom to Breathe, Lisa uses a form of breathwork developed by Mirabai Vines (Rising Vines Integrative Therapies) that is influenced strongly by Holotropic breathwork, rebirthing, inner child practices, shamanism, rites of passage, process work and depth psychologies.